Witness My Fury
JoinedTopics Started by Witness My Fury
Becoming fools - TheraminTrees.
by Witness My Fury ininteresting easter egg video from theramintrees:.
Time for a BK cult purge again
by Witness My Fury inthere's too many bk cult threads and operatives on here lately.
mind you 0 should be the figure at any rate.. here's a simple suggestion.
you can sniff out a bk cult adherent by flagging certain keywords they are guaranteed to use.
Those aussie elders may escape repercussions after all....RC day 3
by Witness My Fury indamn those tricky state laws: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmeg1omfumk 15:30 on.
annoying no?.
Admin: please delete the infected content on page 6 of Outlaws Money thread
by Witness My Fury inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/scandals/280122/7/the-wbt24-theft-of-kingdom-hall-bank-accounts-and-jw-elders.
page 6 has malware infected content apparently.
Wow! My brother is just too dumb for words....
by Witness My Fury inok we know it's a stupid mind control cult but sometimes to see it in the flesh is just a slap in the face.... i lent my brother karen armstrongs the bible - the biography, which is a great book to help understand the bible, i have read it twice and it was very informative.
i had hoped my brother may find it likewise and actually learn something.. not a frickin chance.
he gave the book back today with an agitated tone and told me it was crap and that he didnt want me to show him any other books, he had got to page 21, so had only managed the introduction and 12 pages of chapter 1 of a book with 229 pages (300+ if you include glossary and appendix).. inside were some postit noted with notations he'd written about dates quoting from insight volumes and scripture inspired to "correct" the dates in the book for events and dates of reigns like manassahs and hezekiahs.. basically he got mad that the book disagreed with what his drone cult brain read in the wts volumes and refused to read any further.. ffs he didnt even look at another outside source at all, just assumed the book was making error after error on dates and got annoyed.. i am shocked he could be just that dumb.
Feast your eyes on these.... (art by Annemarie Busschers)
by Witness My Fury inhttp://www.faithistorment.com/2013/04/paintings-by-annemarie-busschers.html.
What was the recent change made regarding baptisms?
by Witness My Fury injust saw a post by splash on the commision transcript thread: (pasted below).
we had a talk at our hall recently, basically saying that there have been lots of letters written to the uk branch, questioning and complaining about a new change introduced for the baptisms at the sad and ca.. the talk did not try to reason, it did not try to explain.. the talk was "do as you are told, don't question what you are told".. we were told to do as the song instructs us "listen, obey and be blessed".. we were told that this change was from jehovah so keep up with his chariot.. i think this talk was given in quite a few locations around the country.. what was that all about please?.
God on Twitter...
by Witness My Fury in.
some funny shit on there.... the universe is at 2% and i can't find my charger..